CV Re-Writing

We dig out your key strengths some may be the ones which you may not even know and work on your profile making it stand out from the rest

Keeping your responsibilities may help. However, what if, instead of that, we show your achievements? That’s what we drive you towards right from the start.

Our team tailors your profile demonstrating your experience tangible and non-tangible making you a strong competitor for the roles you apply for

We also highlight your transferable skills if you are looking to move industries or aiming for a higher position or different path altogether.

When you speak with our team you will realize that it’s a time of self-reflection where you get to rewind what you have done through the years, and this serves an additional purpose as preparation tool for interviews.

Steps for CV and cover letter writting & LinkedIn Optimization

Our investment on your profile : an overall of 8-10 hours

Introductory Call

Click the link to set up a call with our experts to learn how they can help you: 30 min

Process Outline

After you place your order, we detail out the process to you and we start our work together: information will be sent via an email

Data Gathering

All information with regards to your profile is gathered through consulting calls, previous resumes and social media handles: 2 – 2.5 hours

CV & Profile Writing

Your cv and other documents are written from scratch optimizing it to the roles and industries: 4-5 hours

Review & Final Output

You get to have one detailed review and then post changes final review of the document along with the LinkedIn as well as cover letter content: 2 hours

Why is it worth the time and investment?

For Leaders and executives

You might not even get focused time to contemplate on your achievements and strengths to work on your profile. At less than 5% of your annual salary, you get to work with an expert who will also guide you down the right path along with taking charge of the re-writes

For early to mid career professionals

This step could land you a great interview and/or a job and again, show you the way ahead

For Recent graduates & students

We help you put your best foot forward, whether for a job or an admission to a university